Houston, We Have a Problem by Dana LeCheminant

Houston, We Have a Problem by Dana LeCheminant

Author:Dana LeCheminant [LeCheminant, Dana]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Dana LeCheminant
Published: 2024-01-12T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Nineteen


You know when there’s been something off balance in your life but you didn’t know about it until it all shifts and levels out? Well, that feeling is nauseating at first, but then it feels like I’m no longer just out of step of where I want to be.

Tamlin Park is human. Not only that, but she’s actually pretty funny when she gets going. I think it’s helping her to make jokes that contain thinly veiled insults toward me—insults I know she doesn’t mean because she bites her lip every time she says something, like she is cracking herself up.

Everything about her has relaxed while we’ve danced. I don’t know how long we’ve been out here on the dance floor, or at what point it started to feel like we fit together really well, but so much about this is easy. There’s no awkwardness or expectations, just a beautiful woman in my arms as we talk about some of my favorite subjects.

She tells me about getting her undergrad from Harvard—Harvard—and then getting her master’s from the University of Missouri while working at Enhance. It’s no wonder she got to where she is while being so young when she’s insanely intelligent in a way I’ll never be. (I have to ask her how old she is, which she finds hilarious. She’s twenty-six, for anyone wondering.)

She doesn’t ask a thing about me, which could be because she already knows everything she wants to know, but I don’t think so. I think she is trying to put me at ease, telling me without telling me that she’s not dancing with me for a story. She’s dancing with me because she wants to, or to say thank you for saving her from Callahan. Whatever her reasons, I’m perfectly okay to keep holding her.

Roundy told me on our way to the gala that I had to keep up appearances as if I had no intention of leaving the majors, regardless of what my decision ends up being. I had to schmooze the team’s owner and take selfies with sponsors, and I was hitting a point where it all had me feeling numb. My agent knows this decision is one of the hardest I’ll make in my life, but he also knows that if I don’t pretend everything is good, the decision might be made before I’m ready.

I wouldn’t have been able to socialize much longer anyway, but seeing Callahan groping Tamlin gave me a great excuse to take myself out of the game tonight. Even if I was seconds away from punching the guy’s lights out. Tamlin was right when she pulled me away. I have no idea how she had the mental fortitude to still be thinking logically when all I could see was red.

She’s stronger than I would have thought, and dancing with her tonight, I don’t feel like I have to prove anything to her. Somehow, she’s shutting out the world for me and removing any expectations.

As the music transitions into


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